Pages under planning prior to construction
This page is to be dedicated to Social Issues faced by women. Here we will try to address both real and imagined. We’re only attempting to address Health or Survivability issues at this time where they are both clear and substantial. There will be two prerequisites to addressing many female Health issues, Help is offered by reputable non-politicizing people who can assist and the issues addressed are not aimed at legitimising Patriarchal Dominance myths
We specifically aim to detail both requirements and difficulties women face socially. During this discussion, we aim to assist with genuine female harm or oppression, preferably with minimal interference with local cultures and lifestyle. It’s important to recognise how we believe these differences can be adjusted, whilst not causing risk to societal rejection or harm to be done to these females. We wouldn’t like Sharia Law advocates telling us how to live their lives in our country so it’s imperative their major issues are tackled diplomatically without trying to change their culture or way of life.
The complexities around these issues are substantial. The answers won’t be immediate but we need a path to assist with these problems. The issues we believe warrant attention are much bigger than Manspreading, changing Mailbox to Post receptacle or positions of toilet seats. Time is the most valuable resource we have. If an hour can be sent assisting women, is it better to stop Dowry murders or spend it damaging Western male/female relationships further.
Overall, productive women have achieved much better results than men on the same issues. We need to be working with Non-Radical women’s groups to learn from their success.
We need to hold the lives of all women worldwide as important and focus on reducing harm to those most afflicted.
Help women to help themselves
The primary philosophy women need applied today learn from 1st and 2nd wave feminists who responsibly took matters into their own hands. Those women chose their battles carefully and fought those battles with courage, honesty, openness and honour. As a result, most men agreed and either helped or at least, didn’t oppose. We’ve seen what happens in Afghanistan if you try to do it for them or change too much at once. The gained ground will never be held.
Women’s natural collaboration, locally, will identify the best adjustments to start and how fast or slowly change can move to achieve their chosen paths. Why women need the “Help women to help themselves ” philosophy, is because once they learn what worked and what didn’t, they can reapply the methodologies to the next most important issue.
Islamic and Eastern men share the similar instincts, wanting to care for, nurture, and protect their women just as much, if not more than Western men. Cultural evolution has created very different behavioural norms to the West. The most likely method to achieve long term success is by demonstrating how specific practices hurt their women. Responsible men will become uncomfortable due to Cognitive Dissonance if they understand certain practices hurt their women. Agreement will always work better long term rather than trying to create legal dominance over males in the manner Western Radical Feminists have.
In Islamic culture especially, attempts at legal power superiority of females over males wouldn’t just lead to societal division as it has in the West. Islamic society would view Male degradation and Man-Bashing of Radical Feminism’s ideologies with clear intolerance. Anyone trying to push those behaviours into those societies would be responsible for the outcomes. Islamist men would revolt against domination attempts rather than just refuse to commit the way Western males are doing. Most Islamic females would most likely see Radical Feminism as more oppressive with higher victim mentality than their current culture causing complete failure. Any assistance from Western feminists would have to be from true equality feminists such as I-Feminists or Egalitarian Feminists.
Men will rarely ever by satisfied by someone else handing them what they need or want. That’s not to say they won’t accept it but it’ll only ever be a short term fix.
- If a man can’t manage money, giving money will only ever be a Band-Aid. Teaching fiscal responsibility is far more likely to get his independence juices flowing again
- If a man can’t find employment, giving money will only ever be a Band-Aid. Helping them find a passion they can earn from is far more likely to get his independence juices flowing again
- If a man can’t maintain his possessions or property, especially if he isn’t succeeding financially, doing these things for him, again, you guessed it, is a Band-Aid. Teaching him how to solve these things for himself and to share skill sets with other like-minded men will build the all important confidence through competence
Independent women all over the world will very rarely be satisfied with handouts. Handouts tend to accentuate feelings of inadequacy. Working for your own outcomes nearly always creates satisfaction which encourages further action. Showing people methods and mentoring consistently provides the best outcomes.
At this time, the specific items we’re aiming to assist with are;
- Acid attacks
- Bride burning
- Child marriage
- Dowry violence
- Forced marriage
- Legal Discrimination
- Female circumcision/Genital mutilation
- Honour killings
- Sex trafficking and slavery
- Virginity testing
This list isn’t finalised