Controlling Behaviours

Page Under Construction

Behavioural Control is the core of leadership in most species. It’s a complex topic and will require several topics and almost certainly, many rewrites.

Behavioural control can be exercised for many and varying outcomes. The most crucial understanding is Controlling Behaviours in itself, is neither good, bad, evil, sexist, or any other elevating or degrading function. What can be determinant of whether it’s good, bad, evil, sexist, manipulative etc is the intent behind it. Using Controlling Behaviours to convince others on a deserted island to set up shelter and gather food is leadership. Leadership can’t even be commenced in its most basic animal herd form without Behavioural Control. The real question is what’s the (often hidden) intent. Here’s where it all goes to the dogs, REAL QUICK.

Before we even consider what’s sexist, what’s feminist, what’s Radical Feminism, let’s have a laugh together. Anyone saying there’s really true equality between genders would have to not just imagine, but actually act like a Reverse Gender like this presentation. Can you ever imagine females participating? That’s thought is hilarious!

I reckon it’s funny viewed either way.

Sadly, I was never great at this stuff but I love watching anyone with quick situational wit

Behavioural control is a very necessary. So much so, I feel safe in saying I don’t know a single person that doesn’t use it. Think I’m wrong? Did you cry as a baby or small child to get what you wanted? Have you ever told little white lies to help someone feel better? Have you ever changed verbal tonality to be more convincing?

How far is acceptable? Emotional blackmail? Well, that depends how much you really believe you should get what you want doesn’t it? It also SHOULD ask if getting what you want is taking it from others rather than earning it.

Below this line is currently just notes for future continuation

The primary areas to be touched on here are:

  • Establishing dominance
  • Eliminating opposition
  • Getting what you want
  • Ensuring ongoing compliance
  • Selective Affection (and Sex)
  • Withdrawal of Affection (and Sex)
  • Provision of Affection (and Sex)

This list is by no means finite and without doubt, behaviours intermingle purposes. I’m initially just providing the very basics here with future additions by far more qualified people to come

For any controlling behaviour to work, there has to be Delivery then acceptance. Where individuals can’t convince other on their own, controlling individuals will use emotion to form gangs, groups, tribes and armies to overpower those rejecting there demands. What’s the most effective way to unite gangs, groups, tribes and armies? Truth, facts and logic or Emotion based ideologies? I’ll let you work that out as you think about the rhetoric that goes on prior to every battle or war. How many soldiers have been killed because they bought into the narrative the enemy soldiers would rape their wives and kill their children? Those stories have united action since tribalism.

How do you KNOW someone is manipulating you? When their argument is based in (usually illogical) Emotion based fear addressed to the audiences primal fears. How do you be certain it’s manipulative control instead of fair management? Look for properly researched data, ignoring non-objective data (prefabricated or controlled by the person or group exercising control).

Behavioural control as a model is pretty simple really, it works like this;

  • Requestor comes up with an idea of what they want from others (Intent)
  • Requestor decides method of influence to use (request, demand, plead, rear, reward or collaborate etc)
  • Requestor prepares supporting arguments and narrative data.
  • Requestor commences intended message delivery (or commences discussion or collaboration)
  • Requestee decides whether they are prepared to receive message at all, open mindedly or listen with combative intent
  • Requestee decodes the message either with trust or disdain, (Watch this video)
  • Requestee then commences open communication pursuing agreement or disagreement OR Controlee looks to put their predetermined spin on the communication.

There’s the fork in the road

Joke Of The Day

How many feminists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
Ten. One to screw it in and nine to form a support group for Survivors of Darkness.

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